Friday, April 9, 2010


This time we heard it!
Went in for a checkup on Wednesday (at 10 weeks) and my doctor brought out the doppler thing. DH was with me...and we got to hear the heartbeat together. It was awesome.

Now I'm off to Korea and Germany for the next two weeks, and when I get back we have the 12-week ultrasound. So excited!

PLUS: We told our parents over Easter weekend! They are so thrilled for us. We told his parents in person..since we went to visit them. We told mine over the phone, since they live far. I got them both on the line and told them, "DH and I have been talking about our holiday travel plans, and I know we were planning to be at your house for Christmas this year, but I don't think we're going to come..[and they sounded a little disappointed]..because our baby is due in November. [and they started gushing with happiness]"
It was so cute. My dad was tearing up, and he's not usually an overtly emotional guy.