Saturday, January 9, 2010


The UPS guy just dropped off my injectibles for next cycle. It filled a small cooler!

Now I wait. This whole thing is a lot of waiting, but I'm excited to try with the real possibility of ovulating. DH has good sperm. I physically can ovulate, I just don't. If this works, even if I don't get pregnant the first time we try it, it means we have a real shot. Huge.

Today is CD10. I am temping this cycle anyway to see if I spontaneously ovulate, but I don't have high hopes. I just want to know when/if I should start Provera again. If I don't ovulate I'll start it on CD26, which will hopefully make CD3 on Feb9.



  1. Good luck. Remember to ice before jabbing. It helps alot. KMFX for you!

  2. woo-hoo! good luck + thanks for the b-day wishes - age is only a #, right? : )
